Punjabi singer Shubhdeep Singh Sadhu, popularly known as Sadhu Musa Wala, was shot dead near Jahorke village in Mansa district of Punjab on Sunday. It so happened that on Saturday, the day after his murder, the state police withdrew his security cover, among several others. And Indian police say the incident appears to be the result of sectarian animosity.
Sidhu Moose Wala Death Reason:
Sidhu Moose Wala Latest News Today
sidhu moose wala death reason sidhu moose wala was saying with muse wala that he was getting bullying for a long time sidhu moose wala knew that, and also the police there and the gun that he was killed yesterday was also Ak47 In it, the police are trying to figure out how one can get there in a car with an Ak47 and the place where he was killed is considered to be very close to this place and this place is now a city.
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